You would think that the other kids didn’t like me only because I was born different, with my red eyes, big ears, fangs, and too white skin… It was true. But it wasn’t just that. At first, I didn’t really understand why others didn’t like me. Why was I being made fun of? To make fun of someone because they were born different… Why would someone do that? As if everyone had to be born the same!
How clever we’d look… if we all had the same face.
Being different is a good thing
Let’s say there was only one kind of bird on earth… pigeons, let’s say… all grey, all walking and shaking their heads, all « cuckooing, » wouldn’t we miss the other birds? With their different heads and bodies? With their different colors? And their different chants?
I think we would be bored to death.
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In my case, what made everything even more complicated was that I was not only different from others physically. I was also different in my head. And in my heart.
When people make fun of you because you were born different
For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt out of step with others. I didn’t always understand them, how they functioned, what they thought. Is that why they didn’t understand me either?
For example, I never got how, when you get to some place with many people you don’t know, how come ten minutes later everyone is talking to each other and looks like they’re having a good time. I’m usually sitting alone, asking myself, « What are they talking about? They didn’t even know each other ten minutes ago! »
And when I try to do the same, I often feel like I’m not saying the right thing or asking the right questions. At least not the ones that are expected, because the discussion usually turns very short, and the person quickly switches to someone else.
I’ve gotten into the habit of doing things alone. For some reason I don’t get, it bothers many people. I have often heard criticisms or comments because I’m often alone.
The thing is, there are always reasons to be the way we are. And since not everybody can know my reasons, why can’t people accept me the way I am, seriously? Instead of judging me?
Enjoying solitude
Make no mistake. Just because someone enjoys being alone, it doesn’t always mean that he or she suffers from it. Solitude and loneliness are not the same thing!
OK. In my case, it is true that I have often suffered from isolation in my life. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy solitude, when I choose it. Being alone can be a good thing, too, for drawing for example. Or to write stories! I love writing stories… One day, I’ll be a writer.
Sometimes, while the other kids are running around chasing a ball, I’m thinking of a new story to write. Or I’m birdwatching. Or I watch little animals. You can learn so much from watching animals.
Anyway, I don’t make fun of children who will end up with bruises and holes in their pants, because they’re having fun. So why do some of them have to make fun of me because I like to daydream?
There are things that are just done better alone, that’s all. That doesn’t mean we’re weird.
Ms. Vain
I remember one day I was watching two ants fighting over a crumb of bread. I swear, it looked like the fight of the Titans. Neither of them wanted to let go. I could see each of them wanted to be the one who would bring the biggest crumb back to the anthill. To be able to show off to their friends…
I read a book about ants one day… If you knew how crazy it is, the society which they live in. There’s so much going on there!
Well, that day, a young girl I will call Sophie came up to me and asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was watching the ants.
Sophie loved to tell other people how stupid they were. She did it all the time. And, of course, that’s what she told me.
– You’re so stupid.
To which I replied:
– You mean that you’re smarter than me?
After thinking thoughtfully for about a second, she shouted:
– I’m a thousand times smarter than you!
That’s when I thought of my grandmother.
She always gave good advice. She had told me something once, which seemed very appropriate to me. I said:
– The one who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else is usually dumber than everyone else.
Sophie stuck her tongue out at me.
– Oh yeah, you look so very smart like that, please accept my apologies… I answered her.
And Sophie left.
A handy little tool
You should try my grandmother’s line when you come across a Ms. or Mr. Vain. It works for just about anything!
» The one who thinks he is better than everyone else in one area usually sucks in everything else.”
« The one who thinks he is prettier than everyone else on the outside is usually uglier than everyone else on the inside.”
« The one who thinks he is more interesting than everyone else usually has less interesting things to say than everyone else.”
Thanks, Grandma. <3